
Application and research of fine model for Shijiazhuang rainstorm waterlogging

  • 摘要: 近年来石家庄市极端天气逐渐增多,局部短历时强降雨的发生愈加频繁,造成城区大范围积水,损失严重。基于高精度DEM数据,采用小尺寸结构化网格建立石家庄市暴雨内涝精细化水动力模型。模型精确反映了房屋建筑、城市道路、立交系统和排水渠系等典型城市地物;采用分区径流系数和糙率体现不同下垫面的影响;通过将排水分区精细划分至各雨水干管实际控制街区模拟管网实际排水过程,并设置点源模拟城市立交泵站。模型高精度地模拟了该市主城区房屋阻水、庭院雨水出流、地道桥等低洼处汇水积涝、路面行涝、管网排水以及泵站抽排水等具有典型城市特征的水流现象,计算统计了城区积涝面积、积水点及积水路段。将该市内涝危险性等级划分为高、中、低三级,结合模拟结果进行风险分析及等级划分,分析结果为石家庄市防涝减灾工作和内涝风险管理提供信息支持,具有重要实用价值。


    Abstract: In recent years, Shijiazhuang city suffers a gradual increase in extreme weather, and short-duration local heavy rainfall occurs more frequently, leading to large-scale urban waterlogging and serious losses. In the paper, the small structured grids are used to establish a fine urban storm waterlogging model on the basis of high precision DEM data. The model accurately reflects the housing construction, urban roads, city overpass system, drainage canal system and other typical urban geographic elements. Partitioned runoff coefficients and roughness are used on different types of land. Drainage districts of the urban pipeline system are refined to actual control blocks of each rainwater trunk, which simulates the actual pipe network drainage process. The point source terms are set to simulate pumping stations at the position of underpasses. The model accurately simulates various phenomena with typical urban characteristics, such as the flow blocking by building construction, the rainwater outflowing from courtyards, the catchment and waterlogging in a low-lying area, for instance, the areas under underpass bridges and overpass, waterlogging routing on the urban roads, and flood water drainage by the pipe network and pumping stations. Urban waterlogging area, waterlogging position and flooded roads are calculated and counted. The Shijiazhuang' waterlogging is classified into three levels: high, medium and low. The model has a good application value. Based on simulation results of the specific rainfall events, the research has drawn some conclusions on risk analysis and classification, providing a useful reference for Shijiazhuang's flood prevention, disaster reduction and risk management.


