A method for sediment siltation calculation in sandy offshore waterway
摘要: 开挖航道的泥沙回淤已经有相对成熟的计算公式,但各公式及其参数的选取需结合具体海域及泥沙条件而定.在沙质海岸外航道回淤计算中,应考虑底沙和悬沙两种形式的淤积.针对现有公式的理论基础及适用条件,探讨了采用组合公式进行计算的方法及可行性.采用半理论半经验公式(刘家驹公式和罗肇森公式)估算了铁山港规划方案外航道开挖后的回淤强度,比较工程竣工和历时一年半后航道地形测图,该方法预报的回淤成果符合实际,说明在沙质海岸采用刘式计算悬沙落淤、采用罗式计算底沙回淤,组合得到航道回淤强度是一种有效的计算方法.Abstract: Some formulas have been used to calculate the siltation ratio in offshore waterway.Each formula and its parameters should be set according to the actual conditions of flow and sediment in certain water areas.In sandy coast area,the siltation ratio of waterway should consist of both bed load and suspended load.The method of combining different formulas,which are deduced from different theories and limited in kinds of conditions,is discussed in this paper.The semi-theoretical and semi-empirical formulas,Liu J...