
Bed evolution characteristics and influencing factors of the South Passage of the Yangtze Estuary (1998–2023)

  • 摘要: 南槽作为长江口的入海汊道之一,其河床演变动态受到广泛关注。基于长江口南槽1998年以来长序列水下地形、水沙观测数据和大型涉水工程实施情况,分析南槽近期河床冲淤变化过程,从流域减沙和工程建设两方面探讨河床演变特征及影响过程。结果表明:近25年,南槽河床演变总体呈现“缓慢冲刷-趋于平衡-加速冲刷”的三阶段变化特征,其中第一阶段的“缓慢冲刷”主要受工程建设影响,流域减沙则是第三阶段“加速冲刷”的主要因素之一。未来,在稳定河床边界和较低含沙量条件下,南槽短期内仍将延续冲刷态势,直至趋于新的平衡。


    Abstract: As a inlet of the Yangtze Estuary, the bed evolution dynamics of the South Passage have attracted widespread attention. Based on long-term underwater topographic and sediment data, along with large-scale water-related engineering implementation since 1998, this study analyzes the recent bed erosion and deposition processes of the South Passage. The characteristics and influencing processes of bed evolution are discussed from two aspects: watershed sediment reduction and engineering construction. The results indicate that over the past 25 years, the bed evolution of the South Passage has shown a three-stage change pattern: "slow erosion–approaching equilibrium–accelerated erosion." The first stage of "slow erosion" was primarily influenced by engineering construction, while watershed sediment reduction is one of the main factors driving the "accelerated erosion" in the third stage. In the future, under conditions of a stabilized riverbed boundary and lower sediment concentration, the South Passage is likely to continue the erosion trend in the short term until a new equilibrium is reached.


