
Research on the influence of gradation variation on the mechanical properties of rockfill material

  • 摘要: 筑坝堆石料的颗粒级配变化会对其力学特性产生显著影响,进而影响堆石坝的稳定与安全。对某堆石坝上游堆石区和下游堆石区的填筑堆石料,分别开展颗粒级配上包线、平均线、下包线的力学特性试验研究,并对试验前后的级配变化进行分析。试验结果显示,相同制样功率条件下,从设计级配上包线到下包线,堆石料的孔隙率逐渐增大,强度指标φ和邓肯-张模型参数值K逐渐减小,这表明随着细颗粒含量逐渐降低,相同功率下堆石料的压实程度逐渐减弱、力学性能逐渐降低;母岩性质越差,颗粒破碎率越高,初始级配的差异对碾压后的堆石料力学特性影响就越小。堆石坝的建造应更加关注级配变化对母岩性质较好堆石料力学特性的影响。


    Abstract: The variation in particle gradation of the rockfill material used for dam construction significantly affects its mechanical properties, thus influencing the stability and safety of the rockfill dams. Mechanical property tests of the upper envelope, the average and the lower envelope of the particle gradation were conducted on the rockfill materials from the upstream and downstream zones of a certain rockfill dam, with upper bound, average, and lower bound gradation curves analyzed pre- and post-testing. Results indicated that under the same sample preparation power, as the gradation shifts from the upper bound to the lower bound, the porosity of the rockfill material increases, while the strength parameter φ and the Duncan-Chang model parameter K decrease. This suggests that with a reduction in fine particle content, the compaction level and mechanical performance of the rockfill material decline under constant power. The poorer the parent rock quality, the higher the particle breakage rate, leading to a diminished impact of initial particle gradation differences on the mechanical properties post-compaction. Dam construction of rockfill dam should thus place greater emphasis on the influence of gradation variation on mechanical characteristic of rockfill materials with better-quality parent rock.


