
Considerations on the applicability of the BeiDou System in hydraulic engineering safety monitoring

  • 摘要: 北斗系统(BDS)是中国自主研发的全球卫星导航系统,具有全球覆盖、短报文通信、实时定位等优点,近年来北斗系统在水利工程安全监测有了一定应用,但也受到了如精度不满足需求、解算成果不可靠等质疑。基于水利工程安全监测需求和北斗系统优势,梳理了北斗系统技术特点,分析了北斗系统在水利工程安全监测领域的适用性、优势及局限性,指出北斗系统在水利工程安全监测中的应急通讯、表面变形趋势监测等方面具有巨大应用潜力。通过加强解算能力、多传感器融合计算等方式,可发挥北斗系统在水利一张图、库容监测、表面变形监测等水利工程安全监测场景的作用,应加强其在水利工程安全运行管理中的理论研究和实践应用。


    Abstract: The BeiDou System (BDS) is a Chinese-developed global satellite navigation system that offers advantages such as global coverage, short-message communication, and real-time positioning. In recent years, the BDS has seen some applications in hydraulic engineering safety monitoring. However, it has faced criticisms, including concerns over insufficient precision and unreliable calculation results. This paper reviews the technical characteristics of the BeiDou system, analyzing its applicability, advantages, and limitations within the context of hydraulic engineering safety monitoring. It highlights the potential of the BDS in areas such as emergency communication and surface deformation trend monitoring in hydraulic projects. By enhancing its computational capabilities and integrating multi-sensor data, the BeiDou system can play a crucial role in applications such as the "one map" system, reservoir capacity monitoring, and surface deformation detection in hydraulic engineering safety monitoring scenarios. The paper advocates for further theoretical research and practical application to enhance its role in the safety management of hydraulic infrastructure.


