Experimental study on critical conditions for sediment suspension
摘要: 分析了泥沙扬动临界状态的受力情况,以及颗粒间粘结力对极细颗粒泥沙扬动的影响。根据力的平衡原理,建立了泥沙扬动模式,导得适用于各种不同粒径的泥沙扬动流速计算式,并由试验资料确定扬动流速计算式中的参数。所得的计算曲线与前人实测点据符合较好。Abstract: he forces, including adhesive force between particles, are analysed, which act on a particle under the critical conditions for suspension. By using the balance relationship of the forces, an expression is derived to calculate the critical velocity of various particles for suspension. The related parameters are determined according to the data from laboratory experiments. The predicted values are in good agreement with previous measurement.