Installing machine of screw anchor and its construction techniques in closure work of breaches
摘要: 研制的螺旋锚下机采用机械下锚代替人工植桩,可水上悬臂1m作业,且移机、定位、加杆、接杆等工序快捷方便,一次定位可下锚两根,平均需时6-7min下一根锚,能提高堵口抢险工程的施工速度和安全性。Abstract: The installing machine of screw anchor developed by authors can install screw anchors mechanically in stead of pile driving by hand, and can work above water with a cantilever arm of 1 m. Every process, such as movement, location, pole lengthening and junction, can be finished quickly and easily. The machine can install two anchors at one time with an average time of 6-7 minutes for each anchor, thus the construction velocity and safety of closure work are improved.