Hydraulic calculation river ecological harnessing engineering in Beixia reach of Longtan River
摘要: 生态水利是当前水利研究的重点之一,也是今后水利水电事业的发展目标和方向.以从化市龙潭河陂下段河道生态整治工程为例,对工程中的河床生态整治工程以及河岸边滩生态整治工程所涉及的水力计算的方法和过程进行了分析和研究,有效地解决了工程枯水期景观水深维持与营造优良生态景观和洪水期河道顺利行洪等两个主要问题,实现了人水和谐的生态整治目标,也可为相关河道治理工程以及今后的河道系统性生态治理提供参考依据.Abstract: Ecological water conservancy engineering is currently the focus of the work in water research,but also the goal and direction of future water resources and hydropower development.In this paper,taking the ecological harnessing project in Beixia reach of Conghua Longtan river as an example,the hydraulic calculation methods and the calculation process involved in the riverbed and the beach strand ecological harnessing engineering are analyzed and studied.Two problems in this project including maintaining the p...