Pit collapse and emergency protection at the Sanjiangkou riverbank

  • 摘要: 窝崩是发生在长江中下游极具危险性的崩岸形式,严重时会造成生命及财产的重大损失,因此,有必要对窝崩成因及抢护措施进行研究.根据三江口窝崩前后的河道实测地形资料,分析比较了崩塌前后河床地形及断面变化、崩岸发生的原因,计算了各测次的水下体积,研究了相关抢护措施及效果.分析研究结果表明,窝崩发生后80%以上的崩体均淤积在口门上下约1 km河道内,经过1个月冲刷,约有37%崩体被水流带走.文中介绍的抢护措施及效果可为相似抢护工程提供借鉴参考.


    Abstract: The pit collapse occurs in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.It has extremely risky collapse form.Sometimes the pit collapse can cause the life and the property heavy losses.Therefore,it is necessary to study the pit collapse and the measures of emergency protection.According to the river topographical map of Sanjiangkou before and after pit collapse,this paper has analyzed the cross section changes,and calculated each measured submarine volume.The results show that 80% volume of the pit col...


