
Bending behavior study of prestressed composite steel-concrete box beams damaged by torsion

  • 摘要: 为研究预应力混凝土组合箱梁扭后的抗弯性能,进行了5根预应力组合梁的先扭后弯试验.试验在梁跨中对称荷载作用下进行,考虑试验梁受扭矩作用历史,并与完整组合梁的试验进行对比得到扭后预应力组合梁的极限抗弯承载力、跨中弯矩-挠度曲线及钢梁截面应变增长曲线,并提出了预应力组合梁扭后承载力计算公式.试验结果表明:预应力组合梁扭后承弯能力将会降低;受扭历史影响预应力组合梁的抗弯能力;预应力能够提高扭后预应力组合梁的抗弯能力.


    Abstract: In order to investigate the bending behavior of the prestressed composite steel-concrete box beams which have been damaged by torsion,five composite box beams are tested by symmetrical load at mid-span.Considering the history of the torsion loading on the beams,and comparing with the test about the intact beam,by tests and analysis are given some important parameters,such as the ultimate bending capacity of the composite beams,curve of moment-deflection at mid-span and curve of the increases of strain in st...


