
Nitrogen pollutants variation of typical rivers entering into Taihu Lake in summer-autumn period

  • 摘要: 河流输入是太湖氮素污染物的主要来源之一。为了揭示河流在入湖过程中氮素的变化特征以及潜在的原因,以江苏省境内典型入湖河流氮素污染物监测数据为基础,分析了入湖河流氮素组成的变化特征。结果表明,虽然氮素组成在入湖过程中存在不同的变化特征,但是总氮(TN)在入湖过程中均呈升高趋势。分析结果还表明,硝酸盐氮(NO-3-N)是漕桥河与太滆南运河TN的主要组成,而大浦港TN的主要组成为氨氮(NH+4-N)。同时,造成河流氮素变化的原因也不尽相同,河流交汇对入湖河流氮素组成的影响较大,污水处理厂排水对河流氮素污染物的增加也不容忽视,所以在入湖河流氮素污染治理过程中,不仅需要执行“一河一策”和“连片治理”双管齐下的策略,还要采取措施,提升流域内污水处理厂脱氮能力。


    Abstract: Nitrogen inputting through the rivers which enter into the Taihu Lake is one of the main sources of the nitrogen pollutants in the Taihu Lake. For the purpose of revealing the variation characteristics in the process of the rivers entering into the Taihu Lake and the potential reasons, the Caoqiao River, the South Tai-Ge Canal and the Dapugang River were chosen as the typical rivers in Jiangsu Province which enter into the Taihu Lake for a field investigation. Then, the variations of nitrogen components in the three typical rivers were analyzed based on the field monitoring data. The analysis results show that total nitrogen concentrations all rise along the rivers, although the components of nitrogen have their own variation characteristics. It is also found that the nitrate is the main component of nitrogen in the Caoqiao River and the South Tai-Ge Canal, and that the ammonia is the main component of nitrogen in the Dapugang River. Meanwhile, the reasons for the variation of nitrogen components are not the same. The crossing of rivers and the discharge of wastewater treatment plants can influence the nitrogen concentration in the rivers entering into the Taihu Lake. Therefore, when a river improvement plan is implemented, not only a pertinent strategy should be made, but also the influences of the river crossing should be taken into account. Besides, effective measures should be adopted to reduce the nitrogen concentration in the effluent of wastewater treatment plants.


