聂远雄,董吴欣,王绍旭,等. 漓江生态及航运补水水流演进规律精细化解析[J]. 水利水运工程学报.. DOI: 10.12170/20240108002
引用本文: 聂远雄,董吴欣,王绍旭,等. 漓江生态及航运补水水流演进规律精细化解析[J]. 水利水运工程学报.. DOI: 10.12170/20240108002
(NIE Yuanxiong, DONG Wuxin, WANG Shaoxu, et al. Detailed analysis of the evolution characteristics of ecological and navigational water supplementation in the Lijiang River[J]. Hydro-Science and Engineering(in Chinese)). DOI: 10.12170/20240108002
Citation: (NIE Yuanxiong, DONG Wuxin, WANG Shaoxu, et al. Detailed analysis of the evolution characteristics of ecological and navigational water supplementation in the Lijiang River[J]. Hydro-Science and Engineering(in Chinese)). DOI: 10.12170/20240108002


Detailed analysis of the evolution characteristics of ecological and navigational water supplementation in the Lijiang River

  • 摘要: 为助力桂林市打造世界级旅游城市,缓解近年来漓江生态及航运用水与枯水期水资源短缺的矛盾,深度挖掘2017—2021年30场水库群重大补水记录,精细解析了漓江河道补水水流演进规律,以期支撑漓江上游水库群开展高效精准补水。以漓江上游水库群坝下至桂林水文站河道为研究对象,采用河道分段模拟、数据分时解析的总体思路,基于数据挖掘、函数构造、曲线拟合等方法,优化确定了各河段不同量级水流演进时间表征函数。结果表明:(1)鉴于水流演进动力机制差异和点据分布特征,上游山区性河道水流演进用时适合采用线性函数表征,区域中下游河段适合采用非线性函数;(2)水流演进函数率定精度理想,演进时间的相对误差基本小于10%、均方根误差基本小于1.7 h。对漓江补水水流演进规律的精细解析结果,可用于历史补水任务复盘及新补水计划拟定,以有效提升水库补水效率。


    Abstract: To address the conflict between ecological and navigational water demands in the Lijiang River and mitigate water scarcity during dry seasons, this study conducts a detailed analysis of flow evolution characteristics in the river channel. The aim is to facilitate efficient and precise water supplementation from upstream reservoirs. Focusing on the segment from upstream reservoirs to the Guilin hydrological station, the research employs segment-by-segment simulation and time-phased data analysis. Utilizing methods such as data mining, function construction, and curve fitting, the study optimizes the characterization of flow evolution over time across different flow magnitudes in each river segment. The findings reveal that: 1) Linear functions suitably describe flow evolution in upstream mountainous river channels due to their distinct mechanisms, while nonlinear functions are preferable for middle and lower reaches; 2) The developed functions exhibit high calibration accuracy, with relative errors generally below 10% and RMSE typically less than 1.7 h. The analytical outcomes are applied to assess past water supplementation tasks and plan new strategies, demonstrating their efficacy in enhancing reservoir water supplementation efficiency.


